Page name: Hero Terminus [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-01-19 06:17:21
Last author: ~Valkyrie~
Owner: Albireo the Lost
# of watchers: 6
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D20: 20
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"Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the show of your live! Tonight, and for every night here after we'll have the most daring heroes, the most cunning villains, the most ferocious beasts, and everything in between duking it out for your pleasure! Here on the Hero Terminus, we've kidnapped warriors from every conceivable dimension, with the sole purpose of seeing who will come out top! Will it be the quick and resourceful Batman? Perhaps The young Wizard Harry Potter will defeat those more experienced then himself! Who knows, maybe Squee the Goblin will use his amazing talent to survive to aggravate the competition to death? Whatever the case, we bring it all to you, for your viewing pleasure! Welcome to the Hero Terminus!"

This is the Homepage for Hero Terminus.

Nothing to See here, move along.

{Hero Terminus Rules}: The rules of conduct. Imagine a How to Play.
{Hero Terminus Arena}: Where the duel links are stored.
{Hero Terminus Characters}: Where each players characters are stored.
{Hero Terminus Standings}: See who's living, and who's dying.
{Unearthed Arcana}: Want to share bit about your character? This is the place.
{Hero Terminus Lounge}: What? You can't ALWAYS be killing.
{Questions, Comments, Concerns}: Self explanatory.

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2010-01-08 [Talos Cyrion]: cool

2010-01-08 [Albireo the Lost]: Bleach is taken by [Talos Cyrion]

2010-01-08 [Megark]: i claim Eragon... wow... sounds epic... and slightly gay...

2010-01-08 [Talos Cyrion]: hey how much info do you want as far as the char goes Sorin? Cause there can either be a shit load (as far as what the weapons do and what each stage allows for, as well as defensive capabilities) or do we just leave that out for the discussion?

2010-01-08 [Albireo the Lost]: It's totally up to your preference. Your weapons MUST be listed, but given the nature of your continuity, I'll allow you to not but down the Bankai and such until after you've actually revealed it in a duel. After you use it though, you MUST post a full explanation of it's powers.

2010-01-08 [Talos Cyrion]: hmmm, so what then if my char is an Ichigo type? Somone who has a bankai, but also a hollow stage release?

2010-01-08 [Albireo the Lost]: Just put that info after it's used.

And do note, I know little about Bleach.

2010-01-08 [Talos Cyrion]: ahh ok, well then i'll probably have some explaining to do but oh well that's where it could get interesting

2010-01-08 [Albireo the Lost]: Whatever you want. Just realize that the minute your characters get posted you are able to be challenged.

2010-01-08 [Talos Cyrion]: hmmm ok.

2010-01-08 [Albireo the Lost]: And everyone needs to send me a link to their character wiki. There's pretty much no chance of me finishing my characters tonight...

Also, for the record, champions CAN duel at any time and not lose their position in the event of a loss. You must actually be playing them in a championship match in order to dethrone them. So, yes I am allowed to duel all of yo even though I'm many ranks above :p

2010-01-08 [Talos Cyrion]: lol, yeah im going to finish mine in the morning (Amy i'm bringing Nara back, though not in the same character...he's better this time lol)

2010-01-08 [~Valkyrie~]: Alright, I'm working on it.

Ooh, I liked Nara, delightfully annoying. :p

2010-01-21 [Elwyne]: (laughs) this sounds interesting and sorta funny too with the Squee the goblin thing.

2010-01-21 [~Valkyrie~]: Haha, yeah, apparently you'd be amazed at the things they come up with for Magic.

2010-01-21 [Elwyne]: probably, I don't usually play trading card games (which I'm guessing is the Magic you're talking about) I don't have anybody but myself to play with.

2010-01-21 [~Valkyrie~]: Yes. I don't actually play, James does. I'm learning though...kinda. :p

2010-01-21 [Elwyne]: I was taught a little myself, but I only got to play a couple of times.

2010-01-21 [pie4u2]: ...I think it worked...

2010-01-21 [pie4u2]: YAY IT DID!!

2010-01-21 [Albireo the Lost]: Ok. Pie I know. But Elwyne?

And yeah. Magic has everything from overwhelmingly powerful demon overlord (Yawgmoth. I mean, even god is kinda not enough for him...), to hilarious comic relief characters (Squee).

I chose it since I have five character slots and thus want some versatility in what I fight with, and it gives me lots of options once my guys inevitably die.

I'm surprised at myself...I didn't make Urza.

2010-01-21 [Talos Cyrion]: completely and probably irrevocably lost lol

2010-01-21 [Elwyne]: Just probably haven't run into me before Sorin. I know you're name doesn't sound familiar to me either.

2010-01-24 [~Valkyrie~]: Oh don't worry about not recognizing him, Elwyne, he's new. He probably couldn't have made this wiki without my help. :p

2010-01-24 [Elwyne]: lol, been there before! Sokay, I was just trying to tell him why he didn't recognize me though.

2010-01-24 [Albireo the Lost]: OH come on. You're not cool...

2010-01-24 [~Valkyrie~]: I'm not? Are you sure you believe that? 'Cause I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be going out with me if you did. :p

2010-01-25 [Albireo the Lost]: Nobody's cool until they post their character sheets :p

2010-01-25 [~Valkyrie~]: *laughs* Alrightalrightalright, I'm working on them, I have one finished, I'm just working on the other two.

2010-01-25 [Earoluim]: .... * looks around *

2010-01-25 [~Valkyrie~]: Hey Ear! What's new, old friend?

2010-01-25 [Earoluim]: NOthing too much, just looking around at this thing

2010-01-25 [~Valkyrie~]: Very cool.

2010-01-25 [Earoluim]: So, give me the rundown here

2010-01-25 [Albireo the Lost]: you only NEED one....

2010-01-25 [Albireo the Lost]: The rundown? it's in the rules silly :p

2010-01-25 [Earoluim]: I read the rules, more like a formal tour,.... a formality if you will.

2010-01-25 [~Valkyrie~]: Really? I thought you said you wanted three. Ok, I'll put her up then.

2010-01-25 [Albireo the Lost]: A tour to what? We haven't started yet xD. No one's really posted characters, so we're still just sitting around.

2010-01-25 [Earoluim]: .......

2010-01-25 [Albireo the Lost]: But that means you should join and help us get it going :)

2010-01-25 [~Valkyrie~]: Agreed. *smiles*

2010-01-25 [Earoluim]: I have no problem joining, but a Wiki does not have to be up and running to receive a tour, I would just like to know how the wiki works and everything, yes i have readthe rules, but I would like a more one on one consultation I gues.

2010-01-26 [~Valkyrie~]: PM Sorin with any questions you have, I guess. It's just hard to know what to tell without a place to start. Most everything is explained on the wikis.

2010-01-26 [Earoluim]: kk

2010-01-26 [Albireo the Lost]: It's really that I just don't understand what you mean by "tour"...

2010-01-26 [Earoluim]: * shakes my head * Nevermind.

2010-01-26 [Albireo the Lost]: if you explain, I'll be more then happy to provide...

I just thought it was self explanatory. We duel each other, and the person with the best writing wins. That's how it works. Simple. In time you move up, and hopefully eventually you become a champion.

2010-01-26 [Talos Cyrion]: is there a limit/minimum amount of characters that you want up Sorin? i know i've probably asked this before but my mind is a haze at the moment

2010-01-27 [Earoluim]: A wiki tout is basically what you just started to do, what about the characters though,are they just imports or does one just simply create one ?

2010-01-27 [Albireo the Lost]: They are imports, though they canb e from your original work, as Elbereth has done. In addition, each champion gets their own character that can be whatever they want, completely unconnecterd to their chosen storyline.

@Zaharaiel: anywhere from 1 to 3 for you.

2010-01-28 [Earoluim]: * nods * Alrighty then, let me think about how I want to do this. What limits are there to custom made characters

2010-01-28 [Albireo the Lost]: None. power level is not a concern in any way shape or form. Note Squee xD

2010-01-28 [Earoluim]: ok

2010-01-28 [Albireo the Lost]: It doesn't matter how powerful the character is, it just matters how descriptive the overpoweredness is. That's all that really matters.

2010-01-28 [Earoluim]: * nods *

2011-05-16 [Lord Josmar]: Hello, I am the unofficial Text Adventures representative. It doesn't look like there has been much activity lately and I was needing to know if this RPG is still active and accepting members.

2011-05-16 [Earoluim]: I think this would be an inactive wiki for the moment, though I would love to request some help in reactivating it so that people could come and enjoy it .

2011-05-16 [Lord Josmar]: You can always advertise on <forum:Roleplaying games>.

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